Sunday, August 23, 2020

Create Sci Fi KitBashing

Got sucked in and watched a ton of these last night. I love the punk rock "just get stuff done" attitude. I also love that the steps are the same from kitbashing a spaceship miniature, to making a costume, to building a set.
Choose stuff for silhouette and shape
Mash it together strong (trim back after if you need)
Unify it with dark primer (or fabric dye for costume)
Drybrush silver or gold on
Weather it

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Gesture while speaking

Iconic - represent literal object like flat surface or car weaving through traffic
Metaphoric - symbolize abstract concept like before, after, or working together
Deictic - pointing to things, positioning yourself tothings
pragmatic - offering the floor, don't bother me
beat - rhythm of gestures matching stress pattern of speech

categories can coexist together

emblem- thumbs up, has to be the correct angle and finger

gesture accomplishes redundancy, re enforcing idea being communicated

also adds emphasis and importance, to communicate more clear, or even to help you think it through

sometimes you just need to point, and if you don't have your arms you'll use your face or your eyes

or acknowledge social norms (uncomfortable ideas show that you're nervous about what you are saying.)