Thursday, September 4, 2008

magic of stopmo

A conversation I started over on 11secondclub helped clarify for me the strengths of stopmotion over CG.

Use the medium that best matches the look you want. If the style of movement and the visual look don't match it pulls me out of the story. So part of the art direction will have to be how things will move. Coraline's replacement heads and slightly imperfect spacing pulls me out.

CG is inherently clean and smooth, takes a lot of money to make it look otherwise

Stopmotion is handmade, so the world should look handmade because the motion will

2D can bring believability to charicature (triplettes of belleville) and do fluid changes so easily (orgesticulanismus)

When Stopmo looks smooth like CG, the stopmo movement pulls me out of it (Corpse Bride, and Coraline(lookin like at least) When CG looks like Stopmo the same (Shane Acker's 9)


jriggity said...

Well.... what ever form animation comes in ...Im pretty much into them long as the story is good!!

I have to say.....Im really excited about Coraline! I have really high hopes for the film and I love what they are doing with the facial expressions!


Alonso said...

don't get me wrong, I'm loving the look of Coraline, and the replacement facial animating is pretty interesting, but the face feels so poppy that it really distracted me and I think it's because she looks so smooth that I expected her facial to be smooth, at least Corpse Bride smooth. Here's hoping the movie does well.