Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ari Folman, opening chess move

Interesting idea from Ari Folman who did Waltz with Bashir, which looks like an amazing film (just to dark for me, like grave of the fireflys, I'm know it's amazing, but there's too much sadness in the real world for me to go looking for it in entertainment.)

I'm a true believer in the openings of films. I treat it like the opening of a chess game, and I love to play chess. You have to think a lot about the opening, and I thought in this film you have to stun the audience immediately, because they're going through a new language of filmmaking, something they've never experienced before. You want to hook them, you want them to be there for the whole 90 minutes. So we put a lot of effort into the opening scene, to stun them within those first two minutes and 40 seconds.

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